Today's forecast looked much like yesterday's, so there was quite a bit of grumbling in the morning. It's funny to me how much more politicing there is going on at a world meet then at any regular big meet. I don't have the official results yet, but some of the rigid pilots were unhappy that the start times were so far apart (1/2 hour) yesterday because those that had to take a second tow were unable to even get in the air in time for the first start. So, that meant that Robert Reisinger, who had the fastest time by far, ended up in 5th place because he wasn't able to get the first clock. Alex Ploner, who was only 1 minute slower than Robert, ended up 12th. So, the briefing this morning was filled with grumbling over the start intervals.
Apparently the complaint of the day today was that some girls were being towed higher than others....god forbid! For some bizarre reason, the girls' safety committee decided to hold the girl's launch for a half an hour (I suppose just to wait until conditions and wind got even worse ;-) The result was the rigids all launching first and the girls ending up with the high cirrus that killed much of the lift. In the end, I believe every single girl had at least 2 tows, some several more! With the towing difficulties the girls are having, I don't think it was the best idea to wait to launch into the worst conditions....but, of course, no one asked me ;-)
Anyway, we are all back here again enjoying a lovely meal that Primus cooked! The girls had a 60 or so mile task to the south. No one made it, but it looks like Corinna may have been the closest (about 20 miles short). The guys went all the way down to the Florida Ridge (125 or so miles) and I just heard that around 35 made it in!! They will be very happy (and tired...the drive back is at least 3 and half hours ;-(
As for the Swifts, only Manfred made it back here to Quest. I don't recall what their task was, but goal was back here. I guess Robin was in second, landing 10 or so miles short. I haven't heard anything yet about the Swiss guy or Mark, Armand or Brian.
It will be a late night for the scoring because most have a very long drive home. But, here is the link to the scores as of yesterday - http://flytec.com/Events/2006/2_5_w_worlds/scores.htm
I didn't get any photos today....too lazy to carry my camera around, so here is a shot of my first flight on the new glider! Isn't it beautiful (note the perfectly matched harness) !!!