Sunday, March 30, 2008
My New Team!
Running down a dream that never would come to me...

Munich is my favorite city in the world for running. The path along the Isar river provides tons of good scenery between the cute boys, weird looking ducks and plentiful graffiti. After helping a friend with a music video he's shooting hoping to win a new Gibson guitar, I grabbed my camera and his skates and went for a late afternoon roll past the biergartens and through the pedestrian tunnels to shoot some of the best graffiti in town. Because the video shooting took a little longer than expected, (he was too generous with autograph signing, if you ask me), there was little light left in the the tunnel with the most impressive works. Either way, the Germans do the graffiti thing much better than the Italians.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Midnight at the Oasis
train'd/drove to Bassano, Italy for the competition despite warnings
from most everyone that the weather is normally shite this time of
year. It has been, but its always nice to see Italy, even when every
part of me is frozen solid, including the teeth.
The comp here is much larger than I ever imagined. Seems there are at
least 100 hang gliders and as many paragliders too! The sky is full
from early morning till sundown. Today is the 4th day, yet we've had
just one task and that was the first day. Pilots were landing at goal
in pain that day. With the north wind comes high cloudbases and cold
cold cold air. With numb hands and feet coming back to life after
landing everyone was in agony on the ground. The next two days were
flown, but the tasks were cancelled in the end. With just the single
scored task Michi is in first with Primoz second, Balazs third, Robert
Reisinger fourth and Alex Ploner fifth....four out of five Litespeeds
in the top spots!
I was lucky enough to get to fly Carl Friesenbichler's gorgeous all
carbon Litesport. With all that carbon and the nice smoke sail that
thing handles like a dream. I truly believed that I had the most
perfect handling glider on the planet until this...I was wrong. Gerolf
warned me that I would really love the extra sweet handling on this
one but I never imagined it would be so sweet. All I think of now is
how I can get my hands on my very own all carbon, smoke sail Litesport
before the Women's Worlds in July....hmmm....might require staying
home and working for a bit :-/
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008
Tsunami in Satellite Beach
Watching the news coverage of the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean, I recall seeing people out on the beach amazed that the tide was out so far, just running around taking photos and videos. My immediate thought was "how stupid! can people not know that a tsunami is coming."