Fairly uneventful first day launching. Winds were very light and often blowing over the back. Just one push in the 2nd lane, but it didn't seem to effect things much. Guys were launching as soon as conditions allowed anyway. One guy ended up in the bushes below the first lane. I don't know exactly how it came about - I can't help but turn away when I hear the gasps and the sound of sailcloth brushing through the bushes.

Those who took the first start are about 2 hours into the task. I've heard lots of chatter on the radio from the Brit boys and all sounds like they're doing well. I'll head to the camping goal field in a half an hour or so and watch the first ones come it.
some excellent photo's Jamie !
Thanks for the great photos and exciting Twitter posts. I'm too busy following your posts to get any work done!
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