Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Dinosaur Day 2

Thank goodness the weather forecast for day 2 was off.  At the morning's task briefing we were told it was going to be a "hold on tight kind of day".  After the rough air and whining yesterday, none of us wanted to hear that it was going to even more turbulent.  But, they were happily wrong.  

With light winds, the task committee was able to call an almost triangle bringing everyone back to Rangely where HQ is.  It sure made life easier for the drivers and crew.  The pilots were pretty happy too.  There were 16 in goal in the open class with Zac winning the day with about 100 leading points. He had a big smile all night. 

It's great to see new faces at goal.  Wayne Michelson has been there everyday on his new Laminar. Danny Jones was quite pleased too. 

Super fun to see Dave Aldridge win the sport class task on his beautiful Sport2C.

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