Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bolon con Queso

On the road through the Ecuadorian outback. It's about a six hour or
so drive and here I sit with my iPhone. Funny thing about the
technology of our day...haven't decided if it's good or bad that I can
sit here on the equator having a nearly realtime chat with someone on
his evening commute in a city thousands of miles from here where it's
snowing. On the positive side, I very rarely feel alone, no matter how
far I am from the people that mean the most to me. On the other hand,
I often wonder if it keeps me from truly being where ever it is I am??


David said...

"What do you mean, I have never been more available!"

GliderMike said...

Waxing philosophic is an indication you are getting old. ;<) Next thing you know, you'll need to wear glasses to read anything.