So Lucas' latest work is here http://stellaartois.triggerstreet.com/ShortFilmProject/Intro . He does a great job of promoting our sport and if we all go online and vote for him, he can continue to win and make more videos. Here is how you do it:
1. Go to http://stellaartois.triggerstreet.com/ShortFilmProject/Intro
2. Click "Request Rating Assignment"
3. It will then ask you to register with their site to be assigned one to rate.
4. After registering, your assigned video should display, if it is not Lucas' ("A Soaring Life"), then watch the one you are assigned all the way through (or just hit play and do something else while it finishes).
5. After the video is done playing it will ask you to rate it with 1-5 stars.
6. Once rated you can click "Continue Rating" for another film to rate.
7. You can repeat steps 5 and 6 until you are eventually assigned Lucas' to rate.
8. It may sound like a long process, but it would really make a difference since you can only rate a movie once for the entire contest.
Woohoo! Thanks Jamie! Have fun over there!
Unfortunately it looks like only US residents can register... so the rest of us can't vote for this - or even see it :(
Nick Palmer
Hey Nick, too bad. Check out this link though (don't know if it will post right in this comment though), you should be able to watch it at least:
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