Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Section 7 Dress Code

As they fly the task today, I sit in the camping HQ drafting a proposal to the CIVL for a dress code.

Some infringements are clearly more egregious than others.


Low GI Weight Loss said...

And you did not get a photos of the most obvious offender, the guy with the loose y-fronts and the beret. Whoever you are, please are not in Gai Paris anymore and THERE ARE CHILDREN ABOUT...

Low GI Weight Loss said...

I just looked again and I saw him in your line-up. Now that he is outed, may he PLEASE cover up or an FAI agaent will have to have words some quiet words...

Ron Gleason said...

Excellent idea on the new section for competitions. Elsa has volunteered to assist with choosing who can and whom cannot!

Phil Lardner said...

Hi Jamie! Glad to see that you've taken on the mantle of roving newshound for the Langer Report! Those are hideously frightening photos!! Keep it up! Phil (back in soggy Ireland)

PG_Bea said...

Hey! I have just the same pictures! and some more undressed people at take offs and landing fields.
Good idea, I would assist with choosing who can and whom cannot!