Thursday, July 28, 2011

Last Hope

It seems a lot of pilots are on suicide watch these days.  After the task was cancelled at the 11am briefing, we watched the sky turn nicer and nicer with plenty of sunshine until we just couldn't take it anymore and headed up the hill for a free flight around 4pm.  There were plenty of gliders up there and everyone was sticking just fine despite what must have been soft conditions after all the rain we've had.  We could see overdevelopment and rain in the distance, but it didn't actually start dumping on launch until about 6 or 6:30 after we had spent an hour or so waiting for the wind to blow up the hill again.  In the end, we gave up and the boys packed up in the rain.  What a sad end to all of this.   


1 comment:

Phil Lardner said...

Really disappointing - you've had such bad luck with the weather in Cucco this year. Hope you're able to salvage some flying in Europe after the Worlds. Commiserations. -Phil