Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Finally a Task!

It's been quite windy in St Andre, so today is the first task of the French Nationals. I'm in the landing field below and even today it feels quite windy down here. They've called a 110 or so kilometer task around the area. I might just sit here at the computer all afternoon, or if one of the Brits land, I'll get to venture out to retrieve them.

This area is gorgeous, but seemingly unlandable for the most part. The mountain peaks are high and the valleys are narrow, so there don't seem to be many easy options. Yesterday we took a hike up to Allos Lake, the largest high altitude lake in Europe, situated at over 2200 meters (7000 feet or so). It was sunny and cool hiking around the spectacular landscape. Sometimes I get this strange feeling and have to stop and ask myself "how on earth did I get here?"....up in the mountains of a country where I don't speak the language, hanging out with Brits (who I can hardly understand despite the fact that we do share a language ;-) Life is funny.

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