Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 1

84km task for the girls today. I wouldn't say it was my best
performance :-( The air was a bit on the rough side after the first
half an hour and I was very nervous. I just landed not quite halfway
through the course. But at least that dreaded first day is out of the
way. Will do better tomorrow ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie
You've got to know more than this about how the others did by now! :)

Jamie Shelden said...

Hey hey hey...cut me a little slack!! I'm trying to fly and work and blog, all at the same time!! ;-)

JackieB said...

Congratulations on making it through your first day. I have to admit that even marginally rough air would be nerve-wracking for me. I'm used to flying sailplanes and when I get tossed around in them I'm glad that I'm not in a lighter aircraft. I suppose you get used to it.

Shapiro said...

Nice Jamie! Continue having fun with it and you're going to continue to do well. Stay safe and fly far girl!